[nycphp-talk] PHP IDE, Hudson, Netbeans

Gary Mort garyamort at
Mon Feb 8 12:49:34 EST 2010

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Paul A Houle <paul at> wrote:

> Chris Snyder wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 11:07 AM, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:
>>> 1) Anyone else using netbeans and if so, what do you think?  Especially
>>> if
>>> your also using hudson and integrating the whole thing.
>>   I've yet to see a good IDE for PHP.  I hate to say it,  but the editing
> tool I like the best these days is Dreamweaver,  particularly because it has
> an edit-over-sftp mode that ~actually works~ unlike many of the open source
> editors I've tried.

With one weird exception on my Macp[which may be MY Mac since no one else
has complained....wish I knew this stupid OS enough to just wipe/reintstall]
 I have had no problems with Komodo[IDE or the free open source Komodo Edit
version] opening files via SFT, SSH, FTP, etc remotely editing and saving
the files again.

Note, I used Komodo IDE ver 4.4.......  didn't want to pay for the upgrade
to ver5, but Komodo Edit works fine for my needs, so I've switched to Komodo
Edit v5[my minimum requirement these days is it works on Mac and Windows,
and preferably Linux, so I can move from OS to OS without learning a new

If your pure windows based, I highly recommend checking out UltraEdit and
their bigger IDE product.  UltraEdit did most of what I wanted, the bigger
IDE added some nice features.  Both apps I believe will scan all the files
in your project and build a source/class tree and allows you to jump from
calling the function in one file to the definition by just clicking on
it[and it will also show you all calls to a function/method when viewing the

Other products do something similiar, but they all seem to use the PHPDoc
format documentation to figure things out, they don't just figure it out
from the sourcecode..  Not so great when your inheriting code.

Lasltly, I've seen solutions for both Netbeans, Komodo, and Ultraedit to
call PHP Beautifier on the open file or all files in a project, so that
might help your cleanup:
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