[nycphp-talk] PHP IDE, Hudson, Netbeans

Gary Mort garyamort at
Mon Feb 8 14:52:08 EST 2010

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Paul A Houle <paul at> wrote:

> \
> Behaviors here are driven by naming conventions;  it would be nice to have
> an "IDE" that is programmable with my naming conventions so it can help me
> navigate through a pretty big system.  If I'm going to do anything in this
> department,  it's going to build on top of my autoloading system,  which
> already maintains a map of which classes are in which file,

Actually, most IDE's can do that these days.  In fact, that is how one
implements different languages in an IDE, you build a great big language
file of all that data and import it as either a "language" or a "library".

Most will also parse through your PHPDoc statements and give you information
out of there as well.

The problem I always run into is that by the time one does all that, one
could have finished the program. And it is specific to the IDE.

As an example, there are NetBeans libraries for all drupal functions, smarty
functions, and the symphony framework.

You just need to have someone who is highly motivated to make the
file.....which generally means you need to be working in a team where
everyone uses the same IDE and one person is maintaining the library for the
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