[nycphp-talk] Regular expression in PHP with preg_match using Roman Numerals?

Rene Samson reneasaf at
Sun Feb 21 01:20:24 EST 2010

Hi David,

I've added the roman numerals to your regex, now it will match either 
just the year (2000) or the year + the roman numeral (2000/I) up to VIII 
(I know you said it goes up to III, but you never know)


I haven't fully tested it though (did run it on (2000), 
(2000/I)-(2000/VIII) but that was it).

Also this is still case sensitive, don't know if that matters...


David Roth wrote:
> Hi Folks.
> I didn't come up with this method, I'm just the one who has to deal 
> with it. :-)
> The year is represented most of the time in this format:
> (2000)
> This regular expression in preg_match to extract it has been working 
> fine:
>     preg_match('/\((19|20)[0-9][0-9]\)/',$line,$found);
> However, other times it is represented with Roman Numeral version 
> control when there is more than one version:
> (2000/I)
> or
> (2000/II)
> So far it looks like the version control goes out to three Roman 
> Numbers. Like I said, I didn't come up with this.
> It would be just peachy if some kind person here could show me an 
> elegant way to handle this in PHP (as a regular expression?) which 
> might  be, for example, either (2000) or (2000/V). Thanks in advance!
> David Roth
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