[nycphp-talk] Microsoft won’t tell Zend how to build PHP on Windows

Allen Shaw allen at
Sun Jan 17 18:21:10 EST 2010

Justin Dearing wrote:
> I wrote the details about it on my blog:
Hi Justin,

In the interest of continuing this conversation, I reference Zeev's 
comment on your blog post, in which he says, "The title (and some of the 
contents) is actually quite misleading as this whole incident has 
nothing to do with Zend, Microsoft or the relationship between the two 
companies. ... For the record, Zend builds PHP on Windows (as does on a regular basis."

I suppose, depending on timezones, his comment may have been made after 
you sent your email.  But I'm curious to hear what you make of it.

- A.

Allen Shaw

"Data Management, Web Applications, and the Meaning of Life"

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