[nycphp-talk] Inspiration for projects.

Ben Sgro ben at
Wed Jan 20 15:15:16 EST 2010

I try to think about things that are a PITA - and how software can fix that.
Maybe its simply automating a process for myself - or something larger, 
like a full blown site for this or that.

I think the best ideas come when your not really trying - but also, if 
your attempting to brainstorm, the key is
to get ideas out - you want to prime the idea pump, so you need to just 
put pen to paper and start writing - don't stop.

If your sheet is blank, trying brainstorming with someone else, so you 
can feed off each others ideas.

- Ben

Anthony Wlodarski wrote:
> I have a large amount of free time on my hand and was sitting around 
> the house trying to come up with an idea for a piece of software that 
> people would actually use.  Unfortunately the blank canvas that is my 
> mind is still blank.  I guess it would be called "coders block" akin 
> to writers block.  How do you counter measure this?  I have been 
> trying to think of a unique cool idea for about four hours now and 
> have not come up with anything.
> Another alternative to using my free time is to work on an open source 
> project but nothing seems stimulating/interesting right now.
> -Anthony
> -- 
> Anthony W.
> ant92083 at <mailto:ant92083 at>
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