[nycphp-talk] phpMyAdmin and MySQL DB Backup

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Mon Jul 26 10:08:20 EDT 2010


On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 12:55:21PM -0400, Peter Sawczynec wrote:

> understand one way to get around this all is to remove the record with the 
> autoincrement value of 0. After that this mode would no longer be needed.
> you cannot simply edit an autoincrement field (by design), so you'd need to 
> take the restrictions of and do some data massaging.

Sure you can.  This query should run without incident.

UPDATE table SET id = MAX(id) + 1 WHERE id = 0;


PS:  Get an email client that knows how to properly quote prior messages 
you are replying to.

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