[nycphp-talk] Mongo...sharding??

Justin Dearing zippy1981 at
Wed Jul 28 15:10:43 EDT 2010

Full disclosure : I've contributed minor enhancements to windows support on
mongodb, so I'm biased.

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 2:36 PM, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:

> So...slowly getting interested in MongoDB....
> One of the items I found interesting is the repeated assertions that "Mongo
> is designed for sharding"....yet sharding only exists in the development
> branch of the code...

I think the general statement is mongo is designed for scalability in ways
RDBMS are not. Sharding is one of those ways.

> So, my question is, is Mongo being used in production with sharding?

I'm not using sharding in production, or anywhere, but I am using mongo in

The dev 1.5 branch is in RC status and the plan for a 1.6 production release
is 7/30 or 8/2 so sharding will soon be stable. Please see:

Also, consider asking this question on mongo-user ( If someone of note is using an
unstable version of mongo in their production systems, there is a good
chance they hang out on that list.


Justin Dearing
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