[nycphp-talk] A FBJS like Ajax proxy?

Gary Mort garyamort at
Mon May 31 13:25:34 EDT 2010

You might want to take a look at Yahoo Pipes.  Instead of defining an
interface yourself, you can create a yahoo pipe for your current processes,
and then access the pipe programatically using any one of a number of
classes already built for pulling from yahoo pipes.

On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 8:57 PM, Justin Dearing <zippy1981 at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've recently started working at an ad firm, and as such have been exposed
> to facebook development. One thing I discovered about facebook is there
> proxy for making cross domain ajax calls. Basically, the call is made server
> side, and the json or XML that is returned is returned through the proxy,
> which solves the cross domain issue.
> Anyway, I often have to make such proxies for the sites we do, for various
> reasons. My proxies are generally of the one off type, but a "one size fits
> all" approach such as facebook's would be nice. So I have two questions:
>    1. Is there a facebook like proxy for ajax calls that already exists?
>    2. The guy that gave the hiphip talk said "we don't open source more
>    stuff because we don't know what people find useful" So does anyone know the
>    right channel to make such a request.
> Justin
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