[nycphp-talk] design question: user self-registration

David Mintz david at
Wed Sep 1 11:49:34 EDT 2010

On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 7:21 AM, David Krings <ramons at> wrote:

> On 8/31/2010 16:03, David Mintz wrote:
>> The form I am gonna display is bound -- so to speak -- to two tables.
>> Actually
>> I'm using Zend Framework and MySQL and Zend_Form_SubForm. I don't know
>> until I
>> see their email whether this is someone whose information has already been
>> put
>> in the people table. Usually it will not be, they will be entirely new to
>> the
>> application.
>>  Hi!
> My question is then if there are any possible cases where you'd end up with
> a record in one table, but not the other. That case even coming seems to be
> the disconnect here.
> I'm not talking about one insert working and the next one to magically fail
> due to cosmic rays or stuff like that.

No, neither am I concerned with cosmic radiation. I mentioned initially that
the reasoning behind the two tables rather than one was too boring and
complicated to get into. But -- it's a rewrite of a scheduling and logging
application for the court interpreters in the federal court downtown, right
here in NYC. (My grand project that I have been working on in fits and
starts for years, learning new stuff, appreciating my mistakes and starting
over, finally at long last settling more or less on an approach that I am
determined to see all the way through to production. It was originally
written when PHP 4 was a new thing, and MySQL was in 3.x, and my novice
coding style was pretty fugly.) People would call on the telephone and say,
for example, I need an Urdu interpreter next Tuesday at 3:00 for a
sentencing hearing before Judge Foo. We would store, among other things, the
contact info about the person making the request in case of a need to follow
up (also, to be able to examine who was calling us with insufficient notice
most often, who was failing to tell us of cancellations in timely manner,
etc). Regular user accounts were not a concept in the original
implementation -- basically it was only used by admins, and they -- all six
of us -- were authenticated with basic Apache HTTP authentication. I would
set our user/passwords manually.

Nowadays we still take phone orders, so to speak, but I have since glued on
a self-service subsystem where people establish accounts, log in, and do
CRUD with their interpreter requests. But we don't even want everyone to be
able to do their requesting electronically, for reasons definitely too
boring and irrelevant to explain here. Thus we necessarily have some people
whose data is in 'people' only, and some who have their contact data in
'people' and as well as user account data in 'users.'

Support real health care reform:

David Mintz
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