[nycphp-talk] 3rd Part or Cloud Hosting for SWF Files

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Wed Sep 22 15:28:28 EDT 2010

On Sep 22, 2010, at 3:00 PM, Randal Rust wrote:
> Which leads me to ask this: won't we have to upload all of the files
> to S3 individually? In some cases, there are 200+ files in the zip
> package. This is why we have uploaded and unpacked them on the server.

Yeah, you could upload the zip to your server and your server could unzip, iterate through and push from there to S3.  I suppose potentially you could use multiple processes or threads to parallel upload... depends on your bandwidth on whether that will actually make things faster.  For 100GB+ at once, you can ship hard drives to Amazon:

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