[nycphp-talk] silent failure with PHPUnit and Zend Framework

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Thu Sep 23 10:26:32 EDT 2010

On Sep 23, 2010, at 10:18 AM, David Mintz wrote:
> It would be a PITA but I guess I could start removing test classes/files one by one until I isolate the offender. Bleh.

Yeah... I had that happen before and ended up putting echo statements into my test suite to figure out what test it was failing on.  I wonder if you have a 'require' vs 'require_once' somewhere and that's why it only happens when running all the tests together.  Or could be a memory issue.  Both of those should be displaying an error... unless one of the files goes and changes the error_reporting/display_errors on you.

I also remember having a lot of trouble with errors not displaying for classes that didn't properly extend interfaces or abstract classes.

Let us know what it was when you find it.

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