[nycphp-talk] How much is a site redesign worth?

Kristina Anderson ka at
Sat Apr 2 03:39:25 EDT 2011

That is incorrect.  Perhaps a few programmers at Wall Street firms are 
getting $90 an hour, but the going rate for normal folks here in NYC is 
about $50/hr.

Although for sure plenty of folks come onto the NYC list and try to 
undercut our rates...

Also "website redesign" is not usually programming but involves other 
skills (like CSS, graphics design, etc).  I would not be surprised to 
see rates differ between that and actual programming tasks.


On 4/2/2011 12:04 AM, Anthony Papillion wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> I think it largely depends where you are. For example, if you're in
> NYC, you can easily command a *much* higher rate than I can here in
> Oklahoma. In NYC, the going rate is $90+ an hour I hear while I work
> comfortably here for $25.50 to $30 an hour. So depending on where you
> are, you might not be undercharging at all.
> Check your competition and see what they charge. Set your prices
> according to your local market.
> Anthony
> On 4/1/11, Bruce Martin<bmartin at>  wrote:
>> Hi all, I was wondering how much the going rate for a website redesign is
>> going for now days. I am always turned down in my town for charging too
>> much, but I really can't see doing a site for less.
>> I think I am under charging. Sorry to bring this up but it is really eating
>> away at me, as I know I would have loved to been in on this bidding, if in
>> deed it did go up for bid.
>> Bruce Martin
>> c. 917-727-8230
>> p. 570-421-0670
>> bmartin at

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