[nycphp-talk] How much is a site redesign worth?

Frank Cefalu frankcefalu at
Sat Apr 2 19:07:15 EDT 2011

Been programming in nyc for 10 years now.

The average rate for senior PHP development is 50-100 an hour. I've been to
a few receiving rates of 75 an hour
On Apr 2, 2011 12:20 PM, "Kristina Anderson" <ka at>
> Ed,
> I've been a programmer in NYC for almost 13 years (maybe you assumed
> otherwise because of my gender), I started out in 1998 making $50 an
> hour, and I'm still making $50 an hour, and everyone else I know who is
> a PHP programmer in NYC is making between $45-55 an hour as well (over
> 20 other people that I personally know and have worked with).
> It's great to talk about what "should be" or what "could be" but the
> reality is, $50 an hour.
> Kristina
> On 4/2/2011 11:20 AM, Edgar Reyes wrote:
>> I think we are talking about 2 different things here, one is programming
>> the other is designing, Krista programmers in NYC make a lot more then
>> per hour, depending on your skill set and what language you program in.
>> design work yes $50 per hour is about right for simple design work and
>> that is in the lower end, and that can vary depending on the sort of
>> if it involves some sort of specialize CSS and or flash etc. then it goes
>> up.
>> ER
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