[nycphp-talk] How much is a site redesign worth?

Frank Cefalu frankcefalu at
Sun Apr 3 10:17:50 EDT 2011

A lead is a mentor. It is unfortunate if you work in a place where the lead
blames others.

I never did such a thing and always gave credit.

You as a lead decide who is on your team and fight for that, for the same
crappy code you mention I always hire mid to senior level otherwise I am
going to spend more time hot fixing mistakes and training than getting the
project done correctly.

Not going to address the PHP comment ;)
On Apr 3, 2011 7:11 AM, "Kristina Anderson" <ka at>
> The decision on what to build comes down from on high where some confab
> of management pinheads make decisions based on "wow this will make us
> rich if we hire some cheap labor to build it for us" and "my Uncle Frank
> told me PHP was the way to go while we were golfing last week".
> The tech lead then assembles a team of inexperienced, cheap programmers
> (because management has decided the budget, too) who crank out a
> horrifying batch of really awful code that kind of looks like it might
> do what management requested be built, with the tech lead taking all the
> credit for anything good that might happen along the way, and blaming
> the programmers he personally likes the least for whatever bad things
> inevitably occur.
> This poo poo stew then gets dumped into the lap of our hapless "QA
> Analyst" who is expected to work a miracle on par with parting the Red
> Sea by turning it into Tasty Texas Chili for distribution to the masses.
> Kristina
> \\On 4/3/2011 2:01 AM, Frank Cefalu wrote:
>> Not saying your tasks are easier or less stressful.
>> But, I guess you can look at senior devs/leads as the architect of the
>> house, and your the house inspector.
>> Get what I mean? Not saying one out weighs the other, just one is more
>> involved in architecture, and the other is involved in making sure it
>> meets city requirements aka business reqs.
>> ----
>> *Frank Cefalu*
>> On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 9:21 PM, David Krings <ramons at
>> <mailto:ramons at>> wrote:
>> On 4/2/2011 8:22 PM, Frank Cefalu wrote:
>> You are wrong. The work of a qa analyst is alot simpler. You
>> don't need to do
>> any architecture based on traffic retention, judge framework
>> usage etc.
>> Not in my QA world....
>> David
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