[nycphp-talk] Project pricing

tedd tedd.sperling at
Mon Apr 4 14:19:16 EDT 2011

At 1:55 PM -0400 4/4/11, Kahlil Haynes wrote:
>Aren't some of you breaking the law by suggesting actual amounts to 
>charge for specific work?

Are you kidding me?

What you are referring to is "Price Fixing". That is when 
like-service companies (i.e., Airlines) call each other and determine 
a basic set rate instead of letting competition determine the price.

That is not what we are doing here! You are free to charge whatever 
you want -- I don't care. No one is agreeing to a set-price for 
set-labor PERIOD. I'll let the Congress do that in determining 
minimum wage -- they seem to break every other law.

Now, if the government wants to shut me up about what I charge, then 
they are free to try. But they have to figure out how to get around 
the first amendment, which supports my right to free speech. That's 
bigger than them.

As far as I'm concerned, the government can take a long walk off a 
short pier. Besides, regardless of who they think they are, they 
haven't done anything to promote business, nor do they know how. They 
are just a bunch of clowns throwing our money at their ideas.

Sorry for the rant. :-)

So, the answer is "No" we are not breaking any law taking about our 
experiences with clients.




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