[nycphp-talk] PHP html DOM manipulation

Gary Mort garyamort at
Fri Aug 5 18:39:54 EDT 2011

I was wondering what the current favorites are for PHP html DOM 
manipulation are.

I ran across one library which basically took all the JQuery DOM 
functions and created PHP equivalents for them - so you can do things 
like find all the elements of a certain tag class or type and replace 
their html with something else.

One thing I'd like to see this for is to re-write all those cool 
lightbox style javascript codes into PHP code[so instead of the user 
waiting for all the HTML to download, then waiting for a javascript 
event to trigger to update the links from their old links to popup links 
if they have the appropriate class  - the server can pre-process the 
file and do those substitutions once and then cache the data.]

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