[nycphp-talk] Can Javascript call a PHP program and read the results?

John Campbell jcampbell1 at
Tue May 31 10:15:46 EDT 2011

I really doubt google's ip-> location database is broken that badly,
but if you do want to do this, I recommend something like the


   if( == 'US')
      // do something with `location`



$location = getLocation($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);

echo $_GET['callback'] . '(' . json_encode($location) . ');';

The code I wrote above uses JSONP to get around cross-domain issues.

John Campbell

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 2:42 AM, David Roth <davidalanroth at> wrote:
> I'm using for a blog platform for a new website. It has a lot of
> benefits as a blog, but it also has the restriction of not being able to
> embed PHP code in the HTML theme template. (Yes, I know, my feelings
> exactly! :-) )
> But Tumblr does support Javascript. What I'm trying to do is get the county
> code of the user so that different links can be presented to them that
> matches their country. Serving up different links based on the country code
> would be handled by Javascript.
> There is a Javascript Google library jsapi, but it doesn't work properly for
> county code. For example,  I'm in the New York City metro area and it says
> I'm in Canada, not the US. I don't recalling having this kind of problem
> with PHP scripts, so I'd like to use a PHP script. But I don't know of a way
> in JavaScript to be able to call a PHP script and make the result accessible
> with the Javascript so it can serve up the correct country links.
> I admit I've not done much Javascript programming compared to PHP, so I'm
> not sure if I'm overlooking something. Maybe this is a AJAX and jQuery task?
> I'd appreciate it if someone could offer a workable solution.
> Thanks in advance!
> David Roth
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