[nycphp-talk] Can Javascript call a PHP program and read the results?

David Roth davidalanroth at
Tue May 31 16:25:26 EDT 2011

Yes, it's odd, here I am using Verizon FIOS (for the past 4 years) and  
most any place on the web I go to knows I'm in the US, but the Google  
JSAPI and examples by others using it I have tried say I'm in Canada.

(For those that don't think this is a real issue - Canada is like a  
whole other country. :-) )

I've also looked into IP databases where they have over 3 billion IP  
addresses stored and they update them. They suggest to keep them on  
your own server and do a wget in the crontab to update them monthly.  
I'm kind of surprised by this because I thought IP address ranges were  
assigned to countries to began with, but I'm sure that's a whole other  

I wasn't familiar with the maxmind javascript service. So far it looks  
very good, it correctly said I was in the US and even the correct  
state. Thanks!

David Roth

> Rob Marscher rmarscher at
> Tue May 31 09:49:00 EDT 2011
> >
> > On May 30, 2011, at 2:42 AM, David Roth wrote:
> > What I'm trying to do is get the county code of the user so that  
> different
> > links can be presented to them that matches their country. Serving  
> up
> > different links based on the country code would be handled by  
> Javascript.
> >
> I'm not sure why the google library is saying you're in Canada.   
> MaxMind
> provides a javascript api you can add to your page to get the  
> visitor's
> location from his/her ip address:

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