[nycphp-talk] Drupal Performance

Gary Mort garyamort at
Wed Nov 9 09:49:59 EST 2011

On 10/11/2011 3:14 PM, Steve Manes wrote:
> Another pertinent question is how many concurrent logged-in users do you
> average?  Drupal is actually pretty good about caching pages for
> anonymous users because they all see essentially the same output.  But
> lots of login accounts creates lots of dynamic overhead, particular with
> the database.  While Drupal passes core common data in the environment,
> the downside of modules is that they're each responsible for fetching
> their own data from the database, where you're at the mercy of the
> module developer.

I found that using Cache Router, 
actually worked quite well at caching for logged in users as well as 
anonymous users.

Sadly,  there won't be a version 7 of this module as someone else 
managed to get their own Caching scheme inserted into the core, and then 
proceeded to belittle and badmouth proposals to release a version 7 of 
Cache Router.    While the version 7 Drupal Cache functions are a step 
up and I would even say the concept seems 'cleaner', it doesn't approach 
Cache Router in practical functionality - instead depending solely on 
module writers to cache when needed.

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