[nycphp-talk] Backups of session files

Hans Zaunere bulk at
Tue Oct 4 16:56:01 EDT 2011

> I'm curious whether it's worthwhile to backup PHP session stores.

I would say no... the nimble session and lethargic backup/restore models
just don't fit in my opinion.

> At first I thought, why do that?  But then I figured that if the session
> can last a long time (e.g. 60 minutes) AND if a restore from some
> service failure was done quickly, then it MIGHT be worthwhile to include
> your session directory in backups.  BUT, this is still somewhat
> problematic since we'd have lots of files (large cost compared to small
> gain).
> What do you do?

If there are that many sessions, and/or they are that complicated and long
lasting, they should be stored in some type of database anyway.

My RSD 0.02


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