[nycphp-talk] Virtualbox as a dev environment

Rolan Yang rolan at
Fri Sep 2 12:42:04 EDT 2011

What's your thought on using XAMPP instead of creating a bunch of 
virtual machines? You could run two instances of apache (php ver 5.2 & 
5.3) on different ports and have both reference the same web directory 
and mysql.  I have found XAMPP to be slow (umm, my laptop is a Dell D410 
Pentium Mobile with 1GB RAM) but it's probably not as taxing on the 
resources as booting up two whole virtual Linux OS's within a Windows OS.


On 9/2/2011 12:19 PM, Gary Mort wrote:
> I've been driven a little crazy lately with trying to develop for 
> Joomla with the following limitations:
> 1) Half the sites use PHP 5.2 and half of them use PHP 5.3
> 2) Sometimes I'm online and sometimes I'm offline
> I kept coming back to "if only I was using linux, I could set things 
> up more easily"....  Then it struck me that my desktop is a beefy 
> system memorywise[this solution is gonna take a lot of memory] - so I 
> gave VirtualBox a try.
> VirtualBox basically allows you to run different operating systems in 
> a virtual environment.
> For my current setup, I started with Ubuntu Server:

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