[nycphp-talk] Running multiple mod_php extensions

Gary Mort garyamort at
Wed Sep 7 13:25:04 EDT 2011

One problem I've run into with using FastCGI for multiple PHP versions 
is that a number of open source projects depend on mod_php - and while 
it is possible to reconfigure fastcgi to provide the information that 
mod_php provided[for example, the script_name defaults to the script 
name of the fastcgi script, not the program being used], I really hate 
debugging that stuff.

Looking at the ApacheHandler extension, it first seemed like it should 
be simple to change all occurences of the handler label mod_php to 
create multiple custom modules.  IE mod_php_5_3_6 and mod_php_5_3_8... 
then both modules can be loaded and the handler assigned in the virtual 

This worked fine for assigning a custom handler function, but even with 
that if I load both handlers, Apache locks up.  My guess is that the 
other extern declarations also need to have a custom declaration.

I was wondering if anyone else has done this before and if so what your 
experience was?


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