[nycphp-talk] Quick question about mcrypt return values

Chris Snyder chsnyder at
Fri Sep 23 11:47:58 EDT 2011

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Anthony Papillion <papillion at> wrote:
> Hey Everyone,
> So I've never used MCRYPT before today and I've got a question. How
> can I tell if it's worked or failed? The doc says MCRYPT_DECRYPT() and
> MCRYPT_ENCRYPT() will return decrypted or encrypted data respectively
> but how do I know if it's completely failed?
> Thanks!
> Anthony

If it failed you get binary gibberish, or nothing, and you get to
troubleshoot till you figure out the problem.

It's not very dev friendly, but it works.

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