[nycphp-talk] Fedex Server Telnet

Joseph Crawford codebowl at
Sun Aug 19 11:15:06 EDT 2012

Why not open a connection using PHP sockets?
On Aug 19, 2012 11:10 AM, "David Roth" <davidalanroth at> wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Nicholas Hart <pelhamny at>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to write a PHP front end for the Fedex Server which uses
>> telnet to send/receive shipping data.  I am hoping that someone has already
>> done this and can tell me how to send/receive this telnet data in PHP as I
>> am having some trouble with it.  The string of data is made up of numeric
>> 'options' and a quoted value pairs.
>> String data format:
>> Send:  0,"020"1,"119999"4,"Jon Doe"....  ,"01"99,""
>> Recv:  0,"120"1,"119999"10,"232593318"...  ,"00"99,""
>> The strings always start with 0,  and end with  99,""
>> Any suggestions welcome.  Many thanks.
>> Nick
> Hi Nick.
> I needed to do something similar to this. I wrote a shell script to telnet
> to (I think it was a Linksys) router to obtain it's IP address.
> # cat
>   (
>     sleep 3
>     echo "USERNAME"
>     sleep 1
>     echo "PASSWORD"
>     sleep 1
>     echo "ifconfig clink0"
>     sleep 1
>     echo "exit"
>    ) | telnet 2>/dev/null | grep netmask | awk ' { print $1 }
> ' | sed 's/ip=//g' | sed 's/,//g'
> The above shell script does a login using telnet to the router, enters a
> command, parses the output and returns the IP address.You could write a
> shell script like the above, and call it with exec() in PHP to get the
> output and parse it.
> Does the Fedex Server have anything else available to interface with this
> data such as REST or SOAP so it could return XML format data to you?
> David Roth
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