[nycphp-talk] Storing form options.

Federico Ulfo rainelemental at
Wed Jul 18 09:06:49 EDT 2012

It depends.

For dynamic form I prefer to use 3 tables
field(field_id,form_id,name,type : [text,textarea,checkbox,select ... ],
default,validation : [required,max=,min=,email,numeric,alphanumeric ... ],
option ), option say if the value are coming from field_value, another
table, or array.

Another pain in the neck is to save the input from a form, in that case you
may need a table with the static information and one with the dynamic
information, for example:
result(form_id, firstname,lastname...)

Or if you want to save with dynamic fields I suggest to use RedBean, an ORM
that will save your time.
Also to create the form you need to create a form generator, if you are
lazy you can use mine: (this site is down
because I'm moving the server... check in 1 hour or 2)


On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 8:35 AM, Petros Ziogas <petros.ziogas at>wrote:

> I prefer to create a "settings" table where I store all the bits and
> pieces that need to be configurable but are not that frequently changed.
> If you want to make everything translatable, I would not tie it to a
> settings table but rather set up a global translate procedure that would
> apply to these settings but also to other elements of your application.
> I have found that deciding on some general rules around these issues can
> make your life much easier. Jumping from project to project and realizing
> that the countries are always in the settings table and always called in a
> curtain way can make you day and save you some hours in debugging and
> developing.
> my 2c
> Petros Ziogas
> On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 5:54 PM, Chris Snyder <chsnyder at> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Anthony Wlodarski <ant92083 at>
>> wrote:
>> > For example, we ask users to select their Ethnicity when filling out
>> one of
>> > our forms.  This includes the values: Prefer not to say, African
>> American,
>> > Asian, White, East Indian, Hispanic / Latino, Middle Eastern, Native
>> > American, Other.  Where would you store these options?
>> Where you store them is a matter of style. I like using blocks of JSON
>> for this, personally, but others would cringe at the parsing overhead.
>> But however you keep them, I think the ideal solution needs to
>> accommodate two things:
>> 1) Localization/internationalization - if you're just storing American
>> English values, you're limiting yourself. The labels for an Ethnicity
>> selector can even vary region by region within the US. You may need to
>> keep the choices the same in order to normalize the database, but the
>> labels need to be translatable.
>> 2) Meta-data about the selector itself. Multiple choice? An Other...
>> field? Is it ideally a <select> or a series of radio buttons /
>> checkboxes? Is there an instruction that goes along with the field? A
>> default value?
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