[nycphp-talk] Functions instantiating from Classes

Chris Snyder chsnyder at
Mon Feb 25 08:46:22 EST 2013

On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 7:24 AM, Leam Hall <leamhall at> wrote:

> OOP Newbie question as I convert a crufty program to OOP
> Class Person sets up various properties of a person. Classes B, C, and D
> extend A in various ways for different roles people do.
> What I ran into last night was trying to use a function outside of the
> classes to instantiate objects. For example:
> Function Z instantiates 3 objects of class B, one each object of class C.
> Function Y instantiates one instance of class D and then runs Function Z 3
> times, for a total of 16 objects.
> Function X creates one object of Class D and then calls Function 7 3 times.
> What I don't know, and couldn't clearly explain on ##php last night, is
> how to have Functions X, Y, and Z be able to create objects from classes B,
> C, and D.
> Any help, or good pointers to tutorials? Should I even be using functions?
> The goal is to create groups of objects based off group membership
> guidelines.
> If you're well and truly bored, the full code is at:
Not so bored, so only took a quick look.

It seems like you're calling functions to generate objects but not
returning those objects or storing them in a global array anywhere?

You are absolutely right to be using objects for this stuff.

There's not really any difference between using a function to instantiate
objects and using a function to instantiate any other variable. You have to
return (or otherwise store) the instantiated variables if you want them to
be available outside the function scope.
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