[nycphp-talk] CentOS v Ubuntu

Hans Z zaunere at
Tue Jul 16 17:23:27 EDT 2013

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 5:03 PM, Chris Snyder <chsnyder at> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 11:03 AM, Jesse Callaway <bonsaime at>wrote:
>> Just handle process priority, memory management, and open some sockets
>> when asked. For the rest... stay out of the way. For god's sake don't try
>> to maintain a "system" java that symlinks to the flavor of the month. Don't
>> provide shared libraries. Don't provide printing services. Don't even
>> install cron.
> Yes, I would use your distro. I might install cron, but I get to choose
> which one.
> Seriously, Hans, maybe your client wanted to use Ubuntu Server because of
> the GUI, but you should know better than to have a window manager running
> on a production server. I suppose you'd let the OS automount any USB keys
> that were stuck into the front ports, too?

Easy there Chris, didn't realize Ubuntu was your project...

Obviously I can customize my OS how I'd like... and I'm sure Ubuntu would
be just as happy to mount a USB stick and scan it for MP3s while giving me
Amazon ads... and we can all choose which OS/flavor we use... and I'm
simply stating, that Ubuntu will never be my choice.

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