[nycphp-talk] GIT! (was: CentOS v Ubuntu)

Rainelemental rainelemental at
Sat Jun 22 10:48:53 EDT 2013

OT flame? Ok I jump in. 

+1 for git... I mistakenly did a push -force deleting days of commits... I called a colleague and asked to push back his latest commit, that saved the day. Having multiple copy is like having lot of backups, so awesome. How could you do that in SVN?

Git is the FTP killer, now you deploy with it.

Github is not an hype, all communities use it, so you're or you're out! All the company I've worked use it, why? Answer above, + pull requests, teams, issues tracker...


From my iPhone

On Jun 22, 2013, at 10:28 AM, Jesse Callaway <bonsaime at> wrote:

> On Jun 22, 2013 10:17 AM, "Greg Rundlett (freephile)" <greg at> wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Daniel Convissor <danielc at> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> Well, then.  That's one more vote for Ubuntu/Debian in my book. :)
> >>
> >> Git (and distributed version control in general) is _so_ much better
> >> than SVN.  Using Git for the past 2.5 years has improved my quality of
> >> life.  I just started working at a company that's still using SVN
> >> (Hi, Jesse!).  It's deadening my soul.
> >>
> >> The ability to commit, branch, stash, et al, locally amazing.  Plus the
> >> ability to have local hooks and the things you can do on the server with
> >> hooks is mind blowing.  Here are two tools I use with Git:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> > Hi Dan,
> >
> > You must be aware that you can use git locally to interface with SVN?
> >
> > See brief tutorial:
> > Manual:
> >
> > Side note, I found this for dealing with svn:externals, if you need to fetch those externals in order to use/build the software.  But you should manage any changes/patches to externals in their own proper tree.
> >
> > ~ Greg
> >
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> > New York PHP User Group Community Talk Mailing List
> >
> >
> >
> I'll chime in here... working on the same repo mr convissor is.
> For some reason or another the subversion repo in question triggers a fault in git-svn.... after hours and hours of crunching. I'll admit being way too lazy to follow up with a proper bug report.
> that said.. the bug doesn't get triggered if just checking out a portion/small branch of the entire repo. so maybe some usage of the available inter-repo tools is available.
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