[nycphp-talk] CentOS v Ubuntu

Chris Snyder chsnyder at
Wed Jun 26 15:04:38 EDT 2013

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 2:54 PM, Daniel Convissor <
danielc at> wrote:

> Hi Hans:
> > Out of curiosity, are there examples?
> The grep package on a dev server I need to use is at 2.5.1 (after
> running yum update).  The version on my Ubuntu 12.04 box is 2.10.

This reminded me, I don't know about Ubuntu, but Debian has switched to
architecture independent libraries in the latest version. Which is nifty
and all, but it means that some of the libs you need to compile PHP are not
in /usr/lib, but in /usr/lib/i386-gnu-linux (or whatever).

I assume this change will make its way downstream (sidestream?) to Ubuntu,
so something to watch out for if you like to compile your own php.
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