[nycphp-talk] Relax your password rules

Jerry B. Altzman jbaltz at
Tue Jun 10 10:04:01 EDT 2014

on 6/10/2014 9:55 AM Federico Ulfo said the following:
>     The notion of "I don't have FB, therefore nobody should force FB
>     auth" 
> Oauth should be an extra option not the only option!!!

s/should force/should encourage/

> Most people do use Social Networks but there's a small minority that 
> doesn't use or use them in a different way context, for example I use 
> Google+ only with my work email, could be unfortunate to register at 
> the bank with it because one day I may change job... I also have a 
> joint Facebook account, my wife and I share the same account and I'm 
> sure that other people found other original way to use social in an 
> unconventional way. Also don't forget that there are Tumblr, Pinterest 
> ... and in other countries other social networks, Sina Weibo etc.
Encourage, not force. But, in fact, small sites like StackExchange 
strongly encourage not creating local accounts:

> Oauth is a safe solution that makes our life one click away to be 
> easier, but the authentication through password will stick around 
> still for a little bit therefore restriction and security will have to 
> stay high as well so expect website that ask a password that contains 
> absurd klingon characters in it.
No argument there.


jerry b. altzman | jbaltz at | | twitter:@lorvax
thank you for contributing to the heat death of the universe.

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