[nycphp-talk] Logging best practices, 2 of 2

Federico Ulfo rainelemental at
Thu May 22 13:08:50 EDT 2014

> If you want to use a system like monolog, you can still do that while
> using the user_error function, simply use the set_error_handler function
> and you can route the error message to whatever flavor of the month logging
> class is popular.

that's a nice option, but we decided to use a wrapper to be consistent
cross language and to make the code easier to maintain, as you mentioned
before, is easier to change Monolog with Schmancy\Fancy inside one wrapper
than everywhere into the code.

I prefer syslog to all other logging transports.

yup, we decided to use syslog!

Truthfully, I prefer rsyslog, not syslog - but from the PHP side they are
> the same thing.

at our scale rsyslog could hammer our network. We log so much that we've to
move the logs every night into a remote backup.

For our centralized logging we use Scribe. We use it to log only specific
user input such as API call, because it generate a lot of traffic inside
our network, and that's why I don't think we can simply replace rsyslog
with syslog, unless there's an option to store the log locally and then
upload them in batch. I'll investigate if such option exists!


On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 6:30 PM, Gary Mort <garyamort at> wrote:

> On 05/06/2014 09:39 AM, Federico Ulfo wrote:
>> We're considering to use syslog as common logging for all languages,
>> mostly PHP, Java and Python (Scala, Perl, Ruby ...), so we can finally log
>> with a standard format, e.g.:
> I prefer syslog to all other logging transports.   Using syslog means you
> can save logs offsite[which is important if you ever need to do forensic
> security analysis.  If all the log data is on the server and the server is
> compromised, the log data is compromised. Even if you archive it off, it
> can still be modified before that archive occurs].
> Truthfully, I prefer rsyslog, not syslog - but from the PHP side they are
> the same thing.   You can easily setup a Log Analyzer server to send all
> the data to, which provides you with the ability to tail/view your logs as
> your developing.  And since Log Analyzer is written in PHP, you can change
> it to suite your purposes. and
> A common mistake I see in people implementing syslog logging is that they
> use direct connections to their syslog server.  IE using monolog's
> StslogUdpHandler:
> Monolog/Handler/SyslogUdpHandler.php
> To me, the whole point of using syslog/rsyslog is that it is FAST. Your
> app connects to a syslog server over a local socket and fires strings at it.
> If you connect to a /remote/ syslog server then every single message you
> log will slow down your app.  I've seen some weird UDP implementations that
> wait for some form of ack from the network device that the message has been
> queued.  Or if it is important to you, it's possible to use tcp to provide
> guaranteed delivery.
> It does take a bit more configuration, but with a local rsyslog server you
> can setup extremely simple 'forward every message to the remote server AND
> log it locally' to complex conditional logs.
> I like to set it up to log to local files in a tmpfs directory, and then
> purge the logs every couple of hours.   That gives me local access to the
> logs for development/debugging - while I have the remote server for
> archives.   Putting it on a tmpfs drive means that they get stored in
> memory instead of on the hard drive so there is no issue of slowing down
> the server by making it write log messages to a hard drive.
> Note: just because your using syslog does not mean you are locked into the
> limitation of message being a single string.   You can json_encode anything
> into a string - rsyslog has a number of plugins to explode that data into
> fields and then save them into a database or such.   Or if you don't want
> to roll your own, Papertrail provides access via the syslog protocol and
> already handles json.  Sometimes it's better
> to just pay someone else 20-40$ a month and let them deal with the
> headaches.
> And with syslog, your not locked into a vendor.  You could send your log
> files to papertrail, save them onto a local tmpfs drive, AND send them to a
> centralized garbage heap syslog server filled with cheap drives and no real
> reporting/access policy.   IE keep a copy of the data archived forever
> 'just in case' but don't bother setting up an interface for it until the
> expense of paying a provider like papertrail grows large enough to justify
> bringing it in house.
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