[nycphp-jobs] PHP developer with four years professional experience looking for work

Andreas H div at
Sat Oct 20 10:35:20 EDT 2007

Hello list


I'm a Norwegian PHP developer with 4 years professional experience. I like
to move to New York City and offer my PHP duties in this area. 


Thorough the years I have gained a lot of working experience and knowledge
of OOP in PHP, (X)HTML, XML, SQL, Javascript, AJAX, JSON and CSS. I like to
base the web projects on the MVC design pattern thorough framework like Zend


I'm also server administrator for web and email servers. Responsible for
running application services like Apache, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Qmail.
Servers are Linux based.


Beside of develop applications I have been in charge of leading big and
small web projects. I have been handling verbal and written communication
with the clients. The languages for the projects have been Norwegian and


I am currently looking for a full time position and my availability status
will be from one to three months. 


For the time I have no working permission in USA. 


Contact me if this sounds interesting.




Andreas Hvatum




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