[nycphp-talk] PHP in production on Microsoft IIs

jessica kelly jkelly at
Mon Dec 23 11:41:01 EST 2002

IIS is a four letter word as far as I'm concerned. Also everyone needs to realize that as web/PHP developers we are often stuck with what we have, not what we would rather have. If IIS didn't have such a sordid security past we would be running it here and I would have absolutely no say in the matter. I wanted to put Linux on the server and they put Advanced Server 2000 on it. I scream, yet no one hears...

The site is for a very small community college and it gets very few, if any, concurrent hits on the PHP/MySQL portion of it and I have plenty of room for multiple users config wise.

I still think that Alan should use CGI instead of the module. It is flaky.

Thank's Guys

>>> zala007 at 12/23/02 10:44:09 AM >>>
Miss/Mrs. Jessiaca Kelly,

Better to use PHP and related softwares on Linux machine rather than on 
Microsoft based OSs :) ? This is like running your Ferrari car on Diesel 
rather than on Gas.I really wonder. Hard to change everything, once set up on Window's 
environment but "Better" to move on Linux.
Anirudh Zala
I suggest running IIS and PHP on Windows 2000 Server, or Advanced Server.
There may be a couple configuration things you might want to look into...
(how many users at a time? etc, etc)
Also, you're going to want to look into MySQL's (or whatever other database
you're using) configuration, too... (again, amount of users at the same
Those are the only real obvious things I can think of, if I can come up with
anything else, I'll be sure to let you know.
Good luck.

>From: "jessica kelly" <jkelly at>
>Reply-To: talk at 

> > Eventually, both IIS and Cold Fusion will be gone, I just need to work
> > around some of it for now and we only have one production server at the
> > moment to mess around with. I would really like to know if the
> >phpisapi.dll is relatively stable, and would like to hear if anyone has 
>actually used
> >it in a production environment.
>I use the module on a apache server 1.3.xx on a Win Advanced Server 2000 
>and it is a bit flaky at times. It seems to just stop working. The site 
>does not get a lot of hits and the PHP seems to crap out when you need to 
>enter info into a MySQL DB. This doesn't happen often but about once a week 
>and is frustrating the person entering the data (myself also!).
>I have been told to avoid using the module from persons on this list 
>(Thank's Daniel!) because of this and am currently trying to get it to work 
>as CGI on my test server then I'll switch the other server over.

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