[nycphp-talk] photo album

Christopher Hendry chendry at
Tue Dec 24 07:47:32 EST 2002

yeah - call me a fool - but I'm not quite sure how to read phpinfo(), is it
in this line (ie, sparc?):

SunOS no10 5.7 Generic_106541-08 sun4u sparc SUNW,UltraSPARC-IIi-Engine

-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: Winston Churchill-Joell [mailto:winston at]
-> Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 1:13 AM
-> To: NYPHP Talk
-> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] photo album
-> phpinfo();
-> Will give you a full breakdown of the version and configuration of PHP
-> you're running, you're machine's OS and version as well as a multitude of
-> other useful information.
-> On 12/23/02 11:08 PM, "Christopher Hendry" <chendry at> wrote:
-> > site looks good, and the gallery looks great, nice and clean and good
-> > navigation.  However, I'm still just looking for the ability
-> to manipulate
-> > images - my latest (and greatest) problem is that the host
-> that my site is
-> > sitting on is on (get this) PHP4.0.3 - which does not allow
-> the previously
-> > mentioned gallery program to run (or configure) - so I'm
-> trying to get the
-> > netPBM library set up and just to use that to manipulate
-> images, but so far
-> > no luck - I know I'm on apache, and I think the software I'm
-> on is Tomcat
-> > (is that right???) - or maybe Sparc - can someone let me know
-> how to find
-> > out what software is running on my server.  I'm not very good
-> with Unix, so
-> > I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing with the netPBM
-> library ... can
-> > anyone out there help?
-> >
-> > Thanks all.  C
-> >
-> > -> -----Original Message-----
-> > -> From: Dan Horning [mailto:dan at]
-> > -> Sent: Monday, December 23, 2002 10:09 PM
-> > -> To: NYPHP Talk
-> > -> Subject: RE: [nycphp-talk] photo album
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > -> On the note of a photo gallery ..
-> > -> The gallery mentioned back a few messages ago .. It really does take
-> > -> care of everything.. Including controlling permissions if
-> you need to do
-> > -> so...
-> > -> If you want to see a site that's using the software
-> (integrated within a
-> > -> postnuke - a feature of the gallery) check out
-> > ->
-> > -> And I just added a small addition of being able to send an
-> ecard of any
-> > -> of the pictures with ecards (again a postnuke module set)
-> > ->
-> > -> From the Desk of:
-> > -> Dan Horning     Owner
-> > ->  Dsoundmn's Web Creations
-> > -> Dsoundmn's Web Creations
-> > -> PO Box 109 Clifton Park, NY 12065-0109
-> > -> Email: info at
-> > -> ------
-> > -> Online on
-> > -> AIM - dsoundmn (or dsoundmn1 for emergencies)
-> > -> ICQ - 14308614
-> > -> MSN - dan at
-> > -> YIM - dsoundmn
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> > ->
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
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