[nycphp-talk] digest mode?

Hans Zaunere hans at
Thu Jun 19 12:57:52 EDT 2003

--- Chalu Kim <chalu at> wrote:
> That is a very poor answer... 
> > > Can you just turn off getting messages but still on the list?
> > 
> > You could set up a mail filter via procmail or your email program to send
> > list messages to /dev/null or the trash bin, etc.

It was a poor question.  If you don't get messages from the list, what makes
you subscribed to it?  Aside from the variation of a digest, which isn't
currently available, the closest thing are the realtime archives online.

We know there are lacking features with the list - I wrote it in a couple of
days when NYPHP had but 10 users, and it was never meant to last this long,
nor support this many people.  A major revamp will be happening in the coming
the weeks/months, including anonymous IMAP archives, digests, XML goodies,

If anyone has suggestions for what they'd like to see, we invite you to
subscribe to dev at and post them there for discussion.  Of course,
those who would like to participate in the development process itself (ie,
code/frontend/quality assurance) are always welcome.



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