[nycphp-talk] New PHundamentals Article - Error Handling

inforequest sm11szw02 at
Mon Jul 19 14:45:39 EDT 2004

Jeff Siegel - PHundamentals |nyphp 04/2004| wrote:

> A new PHundamentals article - "Error Handling" - has been posted. This 
> article is in beta form, subject to one last round of feedback from 
> the NYPHP community. Please post any questions or comments about the 
> article by replying to this message.
> See: 
> ==================
> Jeff Siegel & Michael Southwell
> The PHundamentals Team

I would suggest not getting into details of the apache error log and how 
to tail it. You can't assume where a given distro put the logs for the 
individual user, whether the ISP or admin set up common logs for all 
virtual sites  and uses delayed log-split jobs, or the admin uses 
combined logs, etc etc etc. Perhaps a mention of checking the Apache 
error log, and a link to all-about-apache-error-logs or a suggestion to 
find out from your ISP where your error log is, would be cleaner?


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