[nycphp-talk] New PHundamentals Article - Error Handling

Mitch Pirtle mitchy at
Mon Jul 19 14:54:59 EDT 2004

Jeff Siegel - PHundamentals wrote:

> A new PHundamentals article - "Error Handling" - has been posted. This 
> article is in beta form, subject to one last round of feedback from 
> the NYPHP community. Please post any questions or comments about the 
> article by replying to this message.

I have two nits, neither specifically directed at the content but the 

1) Many programming sites use a colored background for displaying source 
code inline, which is a tremendous visual aid - it visually separates 
text from code.  I would love to see this done here, and this article 
could really use it.  CSS is your friend!
2) There are many references to other parts of this article, "see note 
6" and such - couldn't those have some named anchors so it is easier to 
jump around in the document? This is HTML after all ;)

I like the article, and also agree that there might need to be some 
clarification of where the error logs might reside on different setups, 
but overall it is a good article.

-- Mitch

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