[nycphp-talk] Question about using ACL to direct user

Anthony Papillion papillion at
Fri Aug 5 02:44:25 EDT 2005

Hello Everyone,

I'm in the process of designing a new application and I'm thinkin about 
using .htaccess files as my primary security device. Basically, I'll have my 
applications home directory. When the user hits that directory they will be 
prompted to log in by the default box the browser pops up for those things. 
Depending on the group that their username belongs to, they will be directed 
to either the /staff subdirectory or the /admin subdirectory. 

My questions are these:

1) Can I group users in an .htaccess file according to certain groups?
2) How can I retreive the username and group associated with the information 
the user provides via ACL?

I'm pretty sure this can be done but I'm not too sure how to do it. Any help 
would be greatly appreciated.

Anthony M. Papillion
Email: papillion at
Cell: (918) 926-0139
Yahoo IM: Techie74354
Skype: CajunTechie
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