[nycphp-talk] Mambo in the news!

Nestor Florez nestorflorez at
Thu Mar 3 13:05:15 EST 2005


After hearing so much about MAMBO, I decided to install it on my WAMP system.

The reality of the installation is different.  I can see why peopl ewoul dget turn off about
installing this product.  I started the installation and I could not even get pass STEP 1 of the 
installation.  It kept telling me that th username and password that created was wrong.
OK, so I went to the forum and I found out that you have to use old_password() function
in order for your password to work.  OK, I got pass STEP 1 all the way to STEP 4.  In  STEP 4
I get to choose to "View Site" or "Administrator".  "View Site" displays the default MAMBO site.
If I choose ADMINISTRATION, it asks for my username and password, which is display on STEP 4,
and when I enter the username and password it tells me that they are incorrect....Hey, the
MAMBO system on STEP 4 is telling me to enter this in the ADMINISTRATION page.

Anyways I am frustrated, becuase is not working and Iafter reading the forum it seems that a lot of
people are having the same problemss.

Anybody has fixed the problem of "usernma or password incorrect" when attempting to login into
the administration area?

Which I was living in NY so that I could attend the MAMBO talk from last month.


Nestor ;-)

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