[nycphp-talk] Mambo in the news!

Mitch Pirtle mitch.pirtle at
Thu Mar 3 21:40:39 EST 2005

On Thu, 3 Mar 2005 10:05:15 -0800 (PST), Nestor Florez
<nestorflorez at> wrote:
> People,
> After hearing so much about MAMBO, I decided to install it on my WAMP system.

That's really good.

> The reality of the installation is different.

That's really bad.

>  I can see why peopl ewoul dget turn off about
> installing this product.  I started the installation and I could not even get pass STEP 1 of the
> installation.  It kept telling me that th username and password that created was wrong.

Tell you what, I will help you figure this out, but you need to give
me some information so my guesses are more like educated guesses ;-)

What do you mean, were you giving the installer a bad mysql username,
or did you create the admin user with a password that you cannot

Knowing what version Mambo you are trying is also a big plus.

And I wish you could have made the presentation from last month, as I
would have loved to walk everyone through the installation of Mambo,
on either Windows or Linux platform.

-- Mitch, thinking about a flash presentation...

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