[nycphp-talk] Zend IDE problems and the Apple MACs as develomentplatforms

Tim McEwen tim at
Wed Dec 13 13:27:48 EST 2006

With the latest Parallels you can actually  use the same partition/ 
windows install for Bootcamp and Parallels. That way you can stay in  
osx most of the time and only reboot into Bootcamp if you need better  
hardware support (games?)

Personally,  I have parallels open all the time (testing soap  
compatibility between .Net and PHP)  and rarely reboot into  
bootcamp.   Visual studio runs great and everything feels snappy in  

If you are going to use several os x apps (specially ZDE, mail and  
firefox)  at the same times at parallels you really need 2 gigs of ram.


On Dec 13, 2006, at 1:01 PM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> Is Parallels the way to go to run Windows on a MAC? Don’t bother  
> with the Apple or any other solution?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk- 
> bounces at] On Behalf Of Mark Withington
> Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 11:10 AM
> To: NYPHP Talk
> Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Zend IDE problems and the Apple MACs as  
> develomentplatforms
> Cliff, I'm about 3 weeks ahead of you.  The MacBook Pro is great!   
> Run it with Parallels and you can develop in both Windoz and OSX   
> (nice for browser output comparison).  OSX comes with PHP 4.x so  
> you'll have to upgrade if you want 5.x - mysql needs to be  
> installed.  OSX also comes with Apache 1.x.  I'm in the process of  
> installing Zend (appears to work w/out a problem).
> Note:  OSX is a gui friendly version of FreeBSD.  The upside is  
> it's Unix, the downside is there a learning curve if you're not a  
> Unix guy.
> In general - jump in, the water is great!
> On 12/13/06, Cliff Hirsch <cliff at> wrote:
> After this flurry of ZEND IDE p roblems, my lap top 's 10 minute  
> battery life, 256M of RAM, overheating, etc., I'm thinking it's  
> finally time to get a new lapto p. And I'm thinking of bailing  
> Windows to get a Macbook p ro or just a regular macbook.
> Is anyone using Zend on an Intel-based Macbook? Any p roblems? Good  
> develop ment environment? Any comments regarding the Macbook vs  
> Mackbook p ro?
> Chanukah is only two days away…
> Cliff
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