[nycphp-talk] Scaling Web Apps WAS Re: PHP Web Frameworks

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Sun Apr 8 21:02:30 EDT 2007

On 4/4/07 9:58 PM, "Nate Abele" <nate at> wrote:
> The Firefox Add-ons portal ( was built  
> on CakePHP, and you can check out the source code here: http:// 
>  To date, the site has  
> handled the arguably higher load without a hitch.

That's cool that addons is using Cake.  I came across this article by  
Mike Morgan of addons a few months ago (actually posted about a year  
ago) about rewriting addons and using APC, LVS (linux virtual  
servers), and a memcache server: < 
scalable-php-with-phpa-apc-memcached-and-lvs-part-2/>.  He was  
bitching about Smarty and Pear:DB as possibly causing too much  
overhead, so it's interesting that they ended up getting involved in  
Cake (not sure if he's still involved or not).

I've been very interested in scaling lately.  Most of my servers ar  
using APC and I'm currently getting by with having apps only using  
one server... but the day is rapidly approaching where I'm going to  
have to get serious about a multiple server setup.

Is anyone here using virtual servers?  It seems to have some nice  
benefits in terms of being able to easily move them between physical  
boxes and scale them up to more ram/cpu.  However, I've heard that  
you lose some performance and am trying to figure out when it's worth  
it.  I'm talking about virtual server's at the kernel level... like Xen.


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