[nycphp-talk] Repeating events script

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Mon Aug 6 20:47:49 EDT 2007

I need a script for repeating events. I need the ability to add repeating
events to a database and to retrieve repeating events for a specific day --
that¹s it. No fancy day/week/month views. No multi-user groups. No  alarms,
approval cycles, etc. Just add/edit event & list event for a specific day.

Does anyone have suggestions? Perhaps there¹s some fancy sql that can pull
repeating events from a db in one swoop. The closest I¹ve scene is
webcalendar and Horde Kronolith. But both will take a bit of work to cut
down to my requirements. Using one of these as a Œfront-end¹ to add events
might be ok. But it would be nice to have a lightweight script for
retrieving events to pull into my app.

Thanks in advance.

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