[nycphp-talk] Repeating events script

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Mon Aug 6 21:15:59 EDT 2007

You would still need an end time of course but this is doable if you  
adjust the 2nd param to strtotime (ie every Wednesday, etc)

What you really do is iterate over the call w/ your db and of course  
this is better to do w/ a transaction or stored proc (if you have  
MySQL 5+) and do some type of caching if its a public query.  I would  
have thought this would be possible w/ PEAR Calendar but it is not.

- Jon

On Aug 6, 2007, at 8:47 PM, Cliff Hirsch wrote:

> I need a script for repeating events. I need the ability to add  
> repeating events to a database and to retrieve repeating events for  
> a specific day -- that’s it. No fancy day/week/month views. No  
> multi-user groups. No  alarms, approval cycles, etc. Just add/edit  
> event & list event for a specific day.
> Does anyone have suggestions? Perhaps there’s some fancy sql that  
> can pull repeating events from a db in one swoop. The closest I’ve  
> scene is webcalendar and Horde Kronolith. But both will take a bit  
> of work to cut down to my requirements. Using one of these as a  
> ‘front-end’ to add events might be ok. But it would be nice to have  
> a lightweight script for retrieving events to pull into my app.
> Thanks in advance.
> Cliff
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