[nycphp-talk] Two part question: Shopping carts & E-commerce

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Tue Aug 28 15:03:14 EDT 2007

Jon Baer wrote:
> Or why even reinvent the wheel altogether ...
> Worth a look I think ...

Be very very cautious with those providers.

I'm just wrapping up a project with ProStores(please let me be wrapping 
this up and nothing new thrown in) and my experience there has been 
painful, to say the least.

Part of it is the odd configuration of the server that is not up to 
ProStores but the reseller.

And part of it is the odd little language they have to use with their 
services.  (Now granted, they do have an XML API that can let you do 
quite a lot outside of their structure).

It didn't help that I came into it cold after the previous group fell 
down on a number of things they felt they could do.

I like things under my control.....(yeah, I suggested Amazon and 
CafePRess, but they have some good API's you can integrate to)

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