[nycphp-talk] Two part question: Shopping carts & E-commerce

Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyLine) ben at
Wed Aug 29 13:16:29 EDT 2007

Hello again,

I looked at shopify, seems cool but only supports google and paypal.
I dont *think* my client wants to use them. But I will double check.
I've worked with the paypal IPN system for subscriptions only.
Never with a cart or multiple items.

John Campbell asked which of the two options my client wanted to use:
I believe they want to use miva merchant to process the cards.

Now, I've read through all the emails and I still don't have a firm grasp
on how that works. I looked on wikipedia for a nice explanation of an
e-commerce transaction, but didn't find it. Anyone know of a graphical
flow chart style explanation with details on each parties responsiblity
and where they fit.

Anyways, the items they are selling are misc hardware items, for wells,
filters, bolts, etc. All tangible goods they will be shipping.

So, if I am to use miva merchant, where does the shopping cart come into
play? I'm assume I have to find a shoping cart that works with Miva 

- Ben

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jon Baer" <jonbaer at>
To: "NYPHP Talk" <talk at>
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: [nycphp-talk] Two part question: Shopping carts & E-commerce

> Or why even reinvent the wheel altogether ...
> Worth a look I think ...
> - Jon
> On Aug 28, 2007, at 11:11 AM, Gary Mort wrote:
>> Ajai Khattri wrote:
>>> Or even Google Checkout.
>> I'm not thrilled with Google checkout since it requires you to have  your 
>> customer setup a Google account(I think Amazon requires an  amazon 
>> account, but the process just appears more streamlined and  felt like 
>> setting up a shipping/billing subcomponent of the account  rather than 2 
>> accounts).
>> Ya know, one thing that wasn't mentioned, just what ARE these 10 
>> products they plan on selling?
>> Let me explain a bit.
>> If your selling photo's or photo related items(a poster, postcards, 
>>  etc) - a saner solution could be to use Menalto Gallery and use  their 
>> built in hooks to the various photo printing services.  You  define your 
>> products, the markups, etc in the printer service, and  than just setup 
>> the online digital photos.  You can even have 2  versions of the file on 
>> your site, one that is publicly viewable  and one high quality one the 
>> photo service will use.
>> If your selling stuff with emblazoned logo's, tote bags and junk, a  lot 
>> of people use CafePress for that, and you can build your own  interface 
>> into it to the degree you need it(from redirecting to a  skinned 
>> cafepress store, to embedding the iutems inside your site  but using 
>> their checkout, to having your own checkout and than you  submit the 
>> order to cafepress and have it drop shipped to the  customer).
>> If your selling digital content, there is a whole slew of issues to 
>> think through regarding downloads and such.
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