[nycphp-talk] Checking if a program is installed

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Wed Dec 19 13:43:22 EST 2007

Ben Sgro wrote:
> FFMPEG was a PITA to setup for me.
> Got it working though, converting .wmv's to .flv.

There is a PHP library for accessing some functions of FFMPEG.
This is helpful for the setup:

Note: just wait untill you get a corrupted wmv file which plays fine on 
windows media player but keeps truncating when converted to FLV.  When 
you have really weird errors, I suggest submitting the file to Google 
Video and Youtube and see if they convert it ok.

If they don't, than you can let the submitter know their file is 
corrupt.  If a billion dollar company can't convert it in an automated 
fashion, it's highly unlikely anyone can.

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