[nycphp-talk] Checking if a program is installed

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Thu Dec 27 10:33:21 EST 2007

On Dec 19, 2007, at 12:51 PM, Web Scribble - Alexey Gutin wrote:
> I am trying to check if a program is installed on the server through  
> PHP. In particular, FFMPEG. In Linux, I can just run “ffmpeg”, and  
> the shell will throw an error if it isn’t found. The same happens in  
> Windows.

Sorry for replying to a relatively old thread.  I've been on  
vacation.  But I see know one exactly answered this - the  
is_executable only works if you know the exact absolute path that the  
program would be installed at.  The following should work on a unix  
based machine.  There's got to be something similar for Windows, but I  
don't want to reboot my Mac to try to figure it out :)

function getCommandPath($command = '')
	// note: security vulnerability...
	// should validate that $command doesn't
	// contain anything bad
	$path = `which $command`;
	if ($path != null) {
		$path = trim($path); // get rid of trailing line break
		return $path;
	} else {
		return false;

On my machine (which doesn't have ffmpeg), I get this output:
string(18) "/usr/local/bin/php"

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