[nycphp-talk] Oh... Interviewing

Jake McGraw jmcgraw1 at
Mon Jul 23 10:59:37 EDT 2007

On 7/20/07, mikesz at <mikesz at>
> Frankly, I think that is an arrogant and fascist interviewing technique.
> You only mention informing the candidate about

Yikes there, get turned down at one too many interviews? I think it
incredibly inappropriate to snipe someone looking for advice on, what I had
considered, a professional forum.
Hiring is an art and full time job on its own. Some positions require
textbook knowledge of software development minutia and Information Services
vocabulary. The most direct method for determining whether someone has those
skills is a written test. Although some candidates may be insulted, the
point is to accurately gage what skill set they have within a finite amount
of time; not necessarily to win them over or hold their hand through the
interview process.

I don't think CED's test was an entirely credible way of determining whether
the candidate was right for the job, but then, I don't know what the
requirements are for the position, nor does anyone else on this list. So,
assuming CED is not a fascist, he probably made the best decision he could
in giving the test.

- jake
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