[nycphp-talk] Oh... Interviewing

Edward Potter edwardpotter at
Mon Jul 23 11:09:08 EDT 2007

hmmmm, fascist?

I take friends to strange restaurants in WAY out sections of Queens, I
don't let they have menus, use forks or inquiry what exactly is in the
Fish Eye soup (hey, why is there a shoelace in my bowl?  me:  EAT
IT!).  Yes, it gets messy, and they call me a "Food Fascist".  Of
course the die-hards always come back for more.  :-)

On 7/23/07, Jake McGraw <jmcgraw1 at> wrote:
> On 7/20/07, mikesz at <mikesz at >
> wrote:
> > Frankly, I think that is an arrogant and fascist interviewing technique.
> > You only mention informing the candidate about
> Yikes there, get turned down at one too many interviews? I think it
> incredibly inappropriate to snipe someone looking for advice on, what I had
> considered, a professional forum.
> Hiring is an art and full time job on its own. Some positions require
> textbook knowledge of software development minutia and Information Services
> vocabulary. The most direct method for determining whether someone has those
> skills is a written test. Although some candidates may be insulted, the
> point is to accurately gage what skill set they have within a finite amount
> of time; not necessarily to win them over or hold their hand through the
> interview process.
> I don't think CED's test was an entirely credible way of determining whether
> the candidate was right for the job, but then, I don't know what the
> requirements are for the position, nor does anyone else on this list. So,
> assuming CED is not a fascist, he probably made the best decision he could
> in giving the test.
> - jake
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